Post Installation and Maintenance Instructions
- Are anchors, guides, supports installed in accordance with the system design?
- Is the expansion joint installed in the correct location?
- Is the expansion joint installed with the correct flow direction (if liner is required)?
- Have the shipping restraints been removed?
- Are all the guides, supports, and expansion joint free to permit the movements required?
- Has the expansion joint been damaged during handling and installation?
- Is the expansion joint installed correctly:
- Installed length correct and aligned correctly?
- Clearance from other objects enough to allow for the design movements.
- Maintenance: Expansion Joints do not require maintenance other than routine cleaning and/or painting to prevent external corrosion. If this expansion joint is being using in a system in which the liquid may form during shutdown and operates at a high temperature in which the liquid may turn to vapor, the expansion joint must be drained of this liquid prior to start-up to prevent flashing and water hammer.